Thursday, June 30, 2011

A license to wed

On Monday we did the one absolute must in wedding planning.

Got our marriage license!

Posing for a shot outside the building.

Oops, wrong building.
We corrected course and found it.

Pic in front of the real building.

Getting closer!

The state of WA had very little interest in us as a couple beyond the $64 (cash).

After intense paper work which required us to remember our address and birthday. We were licensed bridegrooms.

We hate sitting on the license so we're moving the wedding up.

Not even! Much to do before 7/22 but can't wait for it to come.

- Posted using BlogPress from
my iPhone


socalohana said...

sooo exciting! can't wait for 7/22!!

brickstrainingmomma said...

Hey YOU! Had no idea you were writing about it all too - so good to see you! We need to get together in August to ride once the wedding madness is complete! Congrats on the license, almost the big day!