Wednesday, January 7, 2009

`09'll be fine

Really, they are still in progress.

There is a snag in my Alcatraz plan. My 10yr HS reunion is the same day. NO GOOD.

I am trying to decide on an A race for early in the season...I'm thinking Oly.
I have also decided to sign up for the soonest 1/2M there is locally (which appears to be early march) so that I get my but running again.

When to tackle a HIM? No idea.

I am feeling like 2009 is getting away from me before I can lay out a plan.

9 for 2009:
1. Make my workouts count. Intervals/speed/hills the whole gambit. Junk miles aren't good enough anymore

2. Recommit to swimming. Since this was my best discipline I tended to let it slack the most. And junk yardage isn't good enough either.

3. Core train. Stop being scared of Crossfit and just go, I may just like it...stranger things have happened.

4. Reconnect with tri-friends and get back on a cycling schedule.

5. Look into joining a tri-club or training group. DON'T BE SHY or INTIMIDATED.

6. INSERT RACE PLAN HERE. Include one race in another state and one race in a place in WA you've never been (sorta adapted this from some one's NYR). Include both tri's and runs.

7. Get excited about reunion and do my best to get as many people there as possible (and be brave in planning, drop the social anxiety from HS). Enjoy has been an eventful 10yrs for us all!

8. Work hard. Work hard at work' work hard at saving, work hard at enjoying this piece of life, work hard at deciding what I want and going after it.

9. In relation to above, BE BRAVE. The above won't happen if I don't ACT BRAVE, wait...BECOME BRAVE.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

'09 will be great, because you rock!!!!!