Sunday, May 1, 2016

Signing off

Well, it is a work night for me. 

I am a huge bundle of nerves. I feel like I don't remember anything. Don't remember what i do, don't remember how to pump, don't remember how I commuted and stayed sane. 

I decided to latch onto one aspect of this that I can attempt to control.
I'm attempting to set myself up for pumping success. 
I'm a terrible blogger/writer/person? because I read an article and this line made me laugh and take a screenshot but didn't make me jot down the author. 

With the help of a very generous buy nothing neighbor, a few Amazon knockoffs and the two sets I had from andrew, I assembled a huge stash of pump parts. I am going to attempt to wash all my parts in Sunday for the week. 
The buy nothing neighbor gave me two bags full of parts and lids! Only I need larger flanges so I had to buy replacements of those. But now we have about 10 spare small funnels. 

I envision Michael chipping veggies and I washing bottles and etc. while chatting about the week ahead. Reality might be more "oh shit I have 12,000 pieces to wash" the minute I lay down for bed. We will see. 

My car needs gas, I didn't get stuff for lunch and I never acquired a bag to hold the ridiculous amount of stuff I have piled on the table to take with me. 

But I do have this pretty line of steamed pump parts all in a row.

I'm scared, I'm distracted, I'm excited, I'm disappointed with myself, I'm proud of myself, I'm worried. I'm probably not going to sleep too well tonight. 

Cute kids for good measure. 
I did get to go on a field trip with this guy's class on my last week home and Miranda rolled back to tummy for me!

Action shot. 
Post roll like a boss. 

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