Saturday, July 23, 2016

So that was a thing we did.

I usually have glowing reviews of our family adventures but we had a pretty clear adventure failure this weekend.

For our anniversary we went to San Juan island on the Clipper. We had planned to do a trip to Victoria BC for a few nights but thanks to work and that blasted Thomas the Train event we didn't have the time for Victoria. 

The boat ride there was fine. But we quickly realized that the slight freedom offered in a boat versus a car or plane was just enough rope for us to hang ourselves with (or for Andrew to swing on). The babies were restless and unrested. 

So by the time we got to San Juan- without real plans- we were tired. We refreshed the children at a park where Andrew swing and Miranda ate. Then we attempted to refresh ourselves with fish and chips. But by this point we were pretty beat and DREADING the boat ride home. We had noticed a kids play place (pay by the hour type of kids museum deal) and, though we weren't proud of how we were spending our day in the San Juan islands, we spent the best $7 of our lives and hung out in there. Miranda got to get down and crawl and Andrew got to run and play. Michael and I even got to sit down next to each other without them for minutes at a time. 
Michae quipped that we rode a boat three hours to play downstairs at our house. 

I'd love to say that the Clipper home was 100% better but it was much worse. Andrew was one the edge of crazy-man and tears 90% of the trip. 

By the time we docked I was counting the minutes until we could drop him in bed. He passed out before we got out of the parking lot. And was catatonic when we got home. He finally roused enough to brush teeth and potty. While dozing on the toilet he said "I had so much fun in that boat today mommy."
If Michael's smile looks like a hostage situation it was because it was 
Eh, she was fine. Just a baby with baby type needs. A solid B- for baby
Lagging behind him because it didn't want to get on the boat.
Tranquilizer dart finally kicked in!

Cons: see above
Pros: we saw common dolphins and humpback whales which were breaching and pectoral splashing and all sorts of showing off. Plus, I guess this is how family memories are made. Not always pretty. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

More respectful edits

If I do share this with people I care about I want to change the tone a touch. Because they are people I respect and I do sincerely want to, with kindness and love, knock them upside the head 😹

There are many, many things that have pushed me to a breaking point this election cycle. The one that has taken me over the edge is the “lesser of two evils” camp. I am fed up beyond belief of this group. Maybe because it is made up of many people I respect. They vary between the ones who are wringing their hands because “neither candidate deserves his vote” and the ones who are putting their foot down and voting third party.

I’m over it. PICK YOUR DAMN POISON. You know what you do when presented with two choices? You pick the lesser of two evils. Always, that is what two choices mean. You stack the issues and chose the one that fits your views. Sometimes this is easy, when you can pick your personal Jesus, but more often neither candidate is exactly the person you’d like to see ideally but you find the issues that matter and DECIDE. Please decide. 

Personally, if I were in this position this election cycle it would come down to this: one candidate will result in policies which will likely last at least a generation but policy can be changed. She has been in the system a long time and will at least play lip service to proper checks and balances, she understands our obligations around the world and the repercussions of not living up to those. The other candidate has spent more than a year stoking racist and xenophobic fires and in my opinion not to resolve them but to monopolize on them. This type of rhetoric just erodes any minuscule progress we’d made on this front. He has a shocking inability to accept or address criticism. My biggest fear with him is that he seems to double down no matter what and no matter how obvious the lie. His campaign’s inability to apologize and instead defame anyone who dares to question IS DANGEROUS. 

Now to address the third party voters: it is math time friends. This is a two party system we are working within. I posted a great video of how voting for a third party candidate hurts the candidate that you most align with (because you do align more closely with one than the other: see above). I also call on you to take a closer look at your methods. If you truly care about third parties you would remember that more than every four years. You know what would legitimize the Green party? Bumping into your Green party city councilman at the grocery store. Or seeing your state house being a mix of blue, red and GREEN. Stop with the feeling left out every four years and start chipping away year after year. Now  is the time to do it. One of our parties is crumbling. 

I feel more and more like this election will be a “what did you do during the war, daddy?” question in history. Pick a side and vote. Vote for Trump if lining up your values that is where they fall- though I will be disappointed because, to paraphrase Mitt Romney, racism should be a deal breaker. 

But stop this “lesser of two evils” thing. It is  troubling and tiresome. Also, please remember that the ballot box is a private place. I'm not asking anyone to canvas for Clinton or publicly renounce the Republican Party (but please feel free). But your vote can be cast quietly. Sadly acknowledging that while not ideal you have done what you can to vote as close to your values as possible. That you've quietly made a choice to reject a campaign which has thrived on hate and fear. Vote for Congress as you desire and try to maintain a balance of power. Then hope or work to have a candidate you can support more easily next time. 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Pick your damn poison

*this post was one click away from being posted to Facebook. I may need a break until November. My head is ready to explode. 

There are many, many things that have pushed me to a breaking point this election cycle. The one that has taken me over the edge is the “lesser of two evils” camp. I am fed up beyond belief of this group. Maybe because it is made up of many people I respect. They vary between the ones who are wringing their hands because “neither candidate deserves his vote” and the ones who are putting their foot down and voting third party.

I’m over it. PICK YOU GOD DAMN POISON. You know what you do when presented with two choices? You pick the lesser of two evils. Always, that is what two choices mean. You stack the issues and chose the one that fits your views. Sometimes this is easy, when you can pick your personal Jesus, but more often neither candidate is exactly the person you’d like to see ideally but you find the issues that matter and DECIDE. Fucking decide. 

Personally, if I were in this position this election cycle it would come down to this: one candidate will result in policies which will likely last at least a generation but policy can be changed. She has been in the system a long time and will at least play lip service to proper checks and balances, she understands our obligations around the world and the repercussions of not living up to those. The other candidate has spent more than a year stoking racist and xenophobic fires and in my opinion not to resolve them but to monopolize on them. This type of rhetoric just erodes any minuscule progress we’d made on this front. He has a shocking inability to accept or address criticism. My biggest fear with him is that he seems to double down no matter what and no matter how obvious the lie. His campaign’s inability to apologize and instead defame anyone who dares to question IS DANGEROUS. 

Now to address the third party voters: it is math time friends. This is a two party system we are working within. I posted a great video of how voting for a third party candidate hurts the candidate that you most align with (because you do align more closely with one than the other: see above). I also call total bullshit on you. If you gave a shit about third parties you would remember that more than every four years. You know what would legitimize the Green party? Bumping into your Green party city councilman at the grocery store. Or seeing your state house being a mix of blue, red and GREEN. Stop with the every four years butt-hurt. 

If feel more and more like this election will be a “what did you do during the war, daddy?” question in history. Pick a side and vote. Vote for Trump if lining up your values that is where they fall- though I will be sad because, to paraphrase Mitt Romney, racism should be a deal breaker.

But stop this “lesser of two evils” thing. It is juvenile and tiresome.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Let's not make this become a thing

Ok? Thanks. 
Potty trained photo shoot-egads. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Oh little flamly

You are SO HARD but so awesome. 

Lately in the evenings Andrew has been hurrying through his evening checklist so he can come play in Miranda's room for a few minutes before bed. It is the absolute best. We all hang out in there-even princess occasionally graces us with her presence. 

Miranda thinks Andrew is the funniest thing she has ever seen. Andrew is sweetly ungenerous to her in the toy department but exceedingly generous with affection and live entertainment. Michael or I'll read a book and we will watch as Miranda shows off her latest trick. She now gets herself into a seated position like its nothing and it delights M and me to no end. 

The insanity that sometimes ensues after this lovely scene can be really insane. And the amount of crap to do after bedtime is somewhat soul crushing. But I guess that's how they keep you coming. The hard stuff is hard and tiring but the sweet is oh so sweet. 

Family pictures last weekend. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Just enough

**the following ramblings can be filed squarely away in the "privileged problems " folder**

mr. Andrew's birthday is coming up. He's pretty excited about it. So are we. But I'm a little torn on how to make it special but not be ridiculous. 

I should preface this by saying that while I think a birthday is a cool big deal (and for three year olds, basically the most exciting thing ever) I don't like it to drag out. I apologize dear readers if you're one of these but I don't get the types that have a birthday week or month. 

That being said...I feel like Andrew's birthday has the potential to drag out. 

1. Day out with Thomas. When we went on his preschool field trip to the Snoqualmie Railroad we were given a brochure for this event. And Andrew has held onto and studied that brochure ever since. Since it is about a week before his birthday I mentioned maybe we could do it for his bday. 
Thanks for the brochure train museum!

2. A party. We are going to have a party. Likely cake and ice cream and snacks type party. But I want him to have one in our new home and be able to invite his preschcool and daycare compadres. 

3. His actual birthday. It falls on a Tuesday and I really want to take Miranda to daycare and have a date with my big boy. Michael too if he can swing it work wise. Maybe even take him to wild waves or the movies or something big.

All of that is a lot. I wish I hadn't connected Thomas with his birthday but the tickets were pricey and in my head they were related. The merriment outlined above would be a 10 day span and it makes me little weary and disappointed with myself just reading it. I'm torn because he isn't demanding or even really requesting all of the stuff above and some of it I/we sort of want to do as much for us as for him but it still seems a little bit much.  I always want him to feel loved and extra special on his birthday- I just think a week long celebration might be pushing it. 

Last year cupcakes at daycare on Friday and cousin party on actual bday on Sunday. Done and done. 

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Facebook, you're so interesting

I really enjoy people watching on Facebook.
There was a girl in high school who dressed completely goth. She was quiet but nice when you got to know her. But she did the whole black lipstick and 10,000 strategically placed safety pins, stereotypic late 90's goth girl look. Fast forward to a few months ago- she befriended me on Facebook. The first thing I see is her absolutely adorable baby girl in the fluffiest of fluffy dresses and giant bows. It totally cracks me up wondering what her high school self would have thought. 

And today she was commenting on how she hates companies with lax dress codes. That you should dress to impress. 

I just love seeing how people evolve. The ways they're the same and the way they have changed over the years.without this window in I would have kept her high school goth persona in my head and not seen how, despite it being very much a part of her at 17, life changed her. 

My super adorable babies