Saturday, August 28, 2010

"the vegetable of the day is brown rice"

This was what the waiter at Cracker Barrel told us.

It has not been the healthiest eating over the past couple of weeks by any score.

Our plan is 30days of home cooking. I think we do alright on having dinner at home with a few days of laziness mixed in. I do alright with lunches where thecap is not as good and he is much more consistant on breakfast than I am. So there is work to do all around.

I'm not sure what to do about what feels like a lack of fitness with the running. I am a little bummed and unsure about it. I have been running 12-20 miles per week consistently for >3 months. I know this is not enough to set any records and really isn't enough to adequately prepare me for a half of any distinction but still... I have been feeling what I can best describe as faint after only a few miles. I'm going to assume this is heat and laziness related and try to rebuild but it bugs me. The other arm of my plan is to get serious about crosstraining. I'm thinking to shred again but I shiver at the thought.

I still need to get news shoes too.

So here we go September. You better be a whole lot better than the month before. We're going to give you our best.

Since I'm bored on a plane here are a few of our previous cooking adventures:

And our cheese!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone on a plane

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just OK

The kingsolver book I read on the plane here

The post tittle answers the following questions:

1. Where am I?
2. How am I?
3. How was my run the other day?

To elaborate on 3, it is hot humid and sad here so running was kind of a no-go. But then the heat died down a bit so I decided to give it a go. The temps had been >100 but on Tuesday it dropped to high 80s. Yipee :S

I wanted to do between 5 and 6 miles but wasn't too sure how much real estate I had since the highways around here are too scary to run on.

I set out from The Cap's parent's house and ran the neighborhood a bit before heading toward town. There was a walking trail head after about a mile or so but the heat and humidity was seriously making me loopy so I detoured to a carls jr and bought a bottle of water and got back on my way. But I was not holding up all that well. I went maybe another mile before starting to take pretty frequent walk breaks. Bleh. I wound up doing a very sweaty 5miles.

I will try to run again while we're here. I will.

I am feeling perfectly awful about running lately. They all seem sucky (oh but I did have an ok 12mi last Thursday to report on). I am concerned that I have just lost more fitness than I think I have. Not sure why though.

Will think on it and report.

To comment on 1&2 we are in Seminole OK which coincidently is where my cousin's baby has lived since she died. I am glad to have gotten to see her. It is dumbfounding that she is so grown up now and eerily comforting how much she looks like her mom. I'm only doing ok because we're here for the saddest of circumstances for my sweetie and I just wish I could make it easier for him and his family.

We'll head home on Saturday and one major order of business is getting a treadmill. Any recs?

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'm a weanie

Went out for a 6miler at 10:30am.
It was so freaking hot! My hope was to do a 10k in 1hr as I'd set up in my garmin.
1st mile was right on then all he'll broke loose.

The next half mile was ok but then there was a glorius shady patch! So I walked a few steps. This trend held for the first 3miles. I paused the garmin while walking and wound up going out 3.5 miles.

Running continued off and on but now, with sweat dripping everywhere, I am blogging as I walk the last mile.

All this drama and this weather:

What a weanie!
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Sunday, August 8, 2010

GI runner issues: vol1 (possible TMI)

I have been both cryptic and explicit about how hard long runs are on my poor GI tract.

So I am going to start chronicling my attempts to not feel like an alien is about to push it's way through my abdominal wall after 6miles.
 It was a constant struggle when I first started getting to 5-6miles, it was my main complaint when I finished the half-marathon and it was what almost took me down during the marathon.

Topic of the day: Imodium

I always thought this would be the grand solution. But I had never tried it because I've read lots of things that say it dehydrates you or can cause drowsiness or (fill in blank).

But enough is enough with my bowels trying to run faster than I do.

Test #1: 1/2 tablet, immediately before run.
run length: 7mi

Results: FAIL. Like clockwork, at mile 6 my intestines started complaining and when I got back to my mom's place I had to hit the head a few times before settling down.

Future directions: Maybe dose too low, maybe not enough time between pill and run.

Test #2: 1 tablet, 2hrs before run
run length: 10miles

Results: Possible fail. Like clockwork, at mile 6 my gut started wrenching. I tried using the potty on the trail (the route I run has a bathroom every 2mi for any out and back run up to 12miles) but it wasn't happening. It took about a quarter mile of walking to let my stomach settle down enough to get back to running. Once home my stomach ached but I didn't need to use the bathroom. I can't decide what i think of this.

Future directions: The dose was probably more right but now I am worried that the mode of action isn't what I'm going for. I also think I wouldn't have tried this while the Cap was out of town; if things had gone really wrong I would have been many miles from home and no one to call to rescue me.

Truthfully, I don;t know what the future directions are.

Stay tuned for vol. 2

long run score: D-

Like an eager beaver I rushed out the door for the fun and excitement of a long run. I was jazzed to be doing 10 miles.

Actually, I was excited about that. I haven't done double digits all year and there is something that still amazes me about carrying myself so darn far.

Run setup: I took water and shot blocks with me in the sweet water bottle I scored at the marathon, (I'll post about this later but) I had taken an Imodium 2hrs earlier.

The run: I was chugging along doing fine. Actually doing well. I was listening to a 1hr techno-sweat podcast.

My first 5 miles were pretty darn good. i like 10miles because it makes % completed really easy to calculate.

I turned around and headed back.

I was at 63.3% (that is a D-) when I started feeling awful. I wound up needing to walk for about 0.25 miles to get my tummy back together before I started running again, slowly.

I feel like I got back into a groove and hit the full 10miles.

Not a pace I was excited about but double digits none the less. 

How did I ever train for a marathon?

I am such a long run slouch lately.

Today I was determined to hit double digits and do a 10miler.

well, determined might be too strong of a word.

I told myself I would head out at noon
but, before I got around to that

I decided to catch up on the Tivo, eat lunch, run to target, go treadmill shopping at Sears, head home, fiddle-fart around.

I made it out to run at 4:15pm

How do I motivate myself? I have been doing my long runs (well, for the most) but I totally dread them.

The idea of 12, 15, 20, 20+ blows my mind.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cul de sac running

I had a long run on the docket for Sunday. I wanted 8miles. My mom got released from the hospital on Sunday and I was thinking I couldn't do it. As I sat there (watching some scary unsolved murder shows, thanks mom) and the patient slept I came up with what I thought was a terrible plan.

I would run the cul de sac (culs de sac? Cul de sacs?) surrounding her house. I figured I would run as wackily as possible for 6miles and then head straight back.

And it actually turned out amazingly well! I took every loop and turn there was. I never felt like I was getting too far from the patient and it was actually kind of fun! I managed to get myself semilost a few times and it was hilarious that I kept feeling deja vu thinking I'd passed certain houses.

My sister called wondering where I was just at about mile 6 and I beelined back. I cracked up when I saw that my straight path back was a full 1.2miles.

There are probably a million ways this can be looked at as a methaphor but I am typing on my phone so I'll leave the deep thoughts to you (and Jack Handy)

Probably should have gotten the last .8 in but glad to have done the 7.2.

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